Thought my activities I experience reality blending, on numerus occasions I encounter people who struggle with multiplicity of sensations, obliteration of boundaries of their own personality, gender identity. This makes me very aware of living times of particular importance. Since Donny Haraway’s `84 publication of ‚Cyborg Manifesto’ we can not anymore think of a man as only biological being. Technology has poured into ourselves, becoming an integral part of us – we are blended with tech, same way technology have mixed with us. Ever since we are cyborgs.
Using the Internet, living in an augmented world, every day we have to answer the question of whether we are a robot. Who are we, whom are we doomed to be? Certainly our means to shape, now dual or hybrid, habitat are becoming broader.
I create images in the spirit of mindfulness, the process of transformation, being born. These images are meant to be contemplative, reflective, seductive. I reach for iconic gestures (the creation of the world, the birth of Venus, the shaving of the legs), which, when read in European culture (and beyond), are an important point of reference and a proposal for reinterpreting the human condition in the 21st century. Tenderness gestures, attraction and melancholy as well as freedom, all are means I use to uncover our coexistence with digital self, our ongoing affair along the path of evolution.